1. We do not allow any escorts, friends, "managers", husbands / wives, hanger-ons, groupies, or what have you in the studio. They interfere with production, recording and teaching.
2. All copyright in music and lyrics written by the studio's composer is retained unless otherwise agreed to in writing and for consideration.
3. Booking occurs on a first come, first serve basis. The only exception to this is that paying clients take precedence over a pre-booked scholarship student, provided they book 24 hours in advance. We appreciate a 24 hour notice for cancellations. Last minute cancellations may have that time deducted from their sessions, at our discretion.
2. All copyright in music and lyrics written by the studio's composer is retained unless otherwise agreed to in writing and for consideration.
3. Booking occurs on a first come, first serve basis. The only exception to this is that paying clients take precedence over a pre-booked scholarship student, provided they book 24 hours in advance. We appreciate a 24 hour notice for cancellations. Last minute cancellations may have that time deducted from their sessions, at our discretion.